Turramurra Public School



Library - Kindergarten

Read We’re Stuck by Sue DeGennaro and David Metzenthen



  • Have you ever been stuck? What happened? Did someone help you?
  • Look at the picture of Building 24 on the first page. Who lives in which apartment on each floor?
  • Look at the clues in the illustrations – can you guess what each animal’s job might be?

Art/Craft activity: The characters in We’re Stuck held a party using just the things they had with them. Use some of the art and craft supplies that you have in your home to create a party decoration. For example, Hippo makes party hats from folded paper. Use what you can find to decorate a colourful paper hat of your own.

For more ideas – go to




I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child


Question: Is there a food you don’t like to eat?

Activity: Draw all your favourite foods


Too Many Pears by Pamela Allen and Bruce Whatley


Do you like pears like Pamela? What is your favourite fruit?

Activity: Draw a bowl with lots of fruit in it

Or if you have paint and fruit  -

do a citrus painting: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RngOT16xP08


Read When Billy Was a Dog by Kirsty Murray and Karen Blair https://www.youtube.com/embed/kVo2vAXVoMQ


  • Do you own a dog? What do you need to do to look after a dog?
  • Billy loves dogs, but which dog does he especially love?
  • Why do Billy’s mum and dad think he needs to wait before he can have a dog?
  • Look carefully at the picture of Fluff and her puppies – why does Billy name them Snow, Chocolate and Boots? 
  • What sort of a ‘trick’ do Mrs Banerjee and Billy’s parents play on Billy when they say that Boots has gone to a new home?
  • What does Billy promise to do for Boots forever and ever at the end of the story?

Activity: Draw a picture of a dog or print out a dog mask to colour – https://www.firstpalette.com/printable/dog-mask.html


Read My Friend Fred by Frances Watts and A. Yi



  • What is your favourite picture of Fred in the story?
  • Do you think the illustrations make the story funnier? How?
  • The book’s endpapers show Fred and his friend doing all the things they like best - what sort of things do you think the cat likes to do?
  • How are dogs and cats different?
  • What do you like about your friends that is different to yourself?

Activity: Make an easy dog hand puppet - https://www.youtube.com/embed/Wbvs0WTHxkM


Read Stack of Alpacas by Matt Cosgrove


  • What is an alpaca?
  • How would you feel if you were on the bottom of the stack?
  • Can you find any rhyming words in the story?
  • Can you think of some good rules for Macca the Alpaca?

Activity: Print and cut out alpaca finger puppets at https://d3ddkgxe55ca6c.cloudfront.net/assets/t1584963299/a/55/e6/maccathealpacaactivitysheets3-1945101.pdf

Or on paper, draw a new cap for Macca using lots of different colours and patterns.

The Very Noisy Baby by Alison Lester

First Day by Andrew Daddo & illustrated by Jonathan Bentley

Old Friends New Friends by Andrew Daddo & illustrated by Jonathan Bentley

Baz and Benz by Heidi McKinnon
Question: What sort of things do good friends do for one another?
Activity: Draw and colour your own owl

Meerkat Splash! by Aura Parker