This page has a variety of computer activities and resources that you can complete in your own time.
Accessing your Student Portal from home
The Student Portal home page is
Student Links (same as your internet home page at school)
Downloads for Practising Computer Skills at Home
These articles are designed for parents and students to work together. They include basic, but important, information students require to use a computer to the standard expected. They are not lessons, as such, but resources you can refer to any time.
Video lessons
Using Word & Docs, and basic typing skills
Year 1
Google slides - shape art (cartoon pig)
Year 2
Google slides - shape art (cartoon lion)
Years 3-6
Google slides - shape art (Kermit the Frog)
Google slides - shape art (Mickey Mouse)
Tinkercad - Deathly Hallows pendant
Years 2-6
Mecabricks 1 - intro (this video highlights what we'll be learning in Mecabricks)
Mecabricks 2 - finding your way around the workspace (a basic how-to guide)
Mecabricks 3 - build a crocodile! - Intructions - Sample image
Mecabricks 4 - build a car - Instructions - Sample image
Mecabricks 5 - Troll on the Loose - Instructions - Sample image
Mecabricks 6 - Camera and rendering
Feel free to make your own models (original ideas, or download some instructions)
Mecabricks (Lego building simulator)
See above for an video lessons on Mecabricks.
Go to to make real Lego models in your browser! To save your work you need to create an account (very easy to do - see the 'finding you way around the workspace' video).
You can download real Lego set instructions from the Lego website, then build it on your computer. You can browse by theme, or look for a specific set by number. Instructions go right back to the 1990s, and there are some classics - you can even build the Ultimate Collector's Series Millennium Falcon!
General school internet/email account information
All students have an internet/email account. It is in the form:
(some students have a number after their surname, and all Kindergarten students have a large number)
Most older students (Stages 2 and 3, plus some Stage 1) will know this from accessing other online edcuational resources, but younger students might be using codes, or different username/password combinations to access things like Seesaw, ClassDojo, Mathletics, etc.
Your email address is also works as Google Account! If a website requires 'signing up', (students - please check with your parents first), if there is an option to 'Sign in with Google' then the email address will work. Once the email address is entered, rather than type your password on that website, you are 'redirected' to the school portal logon (this will look familiar), then you enter your username/password here securely. You are then sent back to the original website and will be signed in.
Always take care when signing up to 3rd party providers/websites. If you're not sure, do a quick Google Search and read reviews.
Switching between Google accounts
On your home computer, it's likely that parents will have a Google account set up already ( used to log in to Google Chrome and other resources like Gmail, Calendar or Play for example. Many website require students to log in with their school email address (which functions as a Google account, and also Microsoft), and accessing shared files from a school Google Drive account also requires access with an education account. Unfortunately, if you are logged in with a standard Google account you may be denied access, and need to switch to the student account.
This can be done several ways:
Have a separate account for the computer
Windows 10 allows multiple users with their own computer account. Parental controls can be set if required, but the big advantage is students can stay logged in to their school/Google account without constantly switching, and any work saved locally remains in their own account.
Switch Google accounts in your browser (Google Chrome)
If you are signed in to Google within a browser window, you will see either your first name initial, or a profile picture, up the top right in a circle. Click this, and you can switch between existing accounts, or 'Add another account'.

Create a new profile in Chrome
Rather than constantly switching between Google accounts (which often switch back when you don't want it) you can add profiles to Google Chrome - this allows multiple users within Chrome, which can actually be open simulaneously. Click the profile picture or initial up the top next to the address bar, and underneath the account details select 'add', and fill in the details for the student.

Once complete, you have have 2 separate users logged in to Chrome, as shown below.

Suggested websites
3D Design
Tinkercad (years 2-6)
The website is, or just do a Google search for 'tinkercad'. Click 'Sign In' up the top right, then 'Sign in with Google', then enter your student email address. You should be sent to log in with your username and password, then sent back ready to go.
Sketchup (years 5-6)
Students access Sketchup through their Student Portal - it is part of the G Suite (Google Apps for Education), and located at the bottom of the first column.
Scratch is a 'drag and drop' block-based coding website.
Although suitable for all years, younger infants students will most likely need assistance.
For those new to Scratch, the "Ideas" button at the top links to numerous tutorials. The "Explore" button displays 1000s of examples other users have created, and allows other users to "look inside" to see how the program was created.
Students are encouraged to create their own account, but will need parent permission.
A wide variety of coding based activities for all ages. Many activities do not require an account
Minecraft for Education
Minecraft can be a very valuable learning tool for students, when used appropriately. There are 1000s of resources, and unlimited ways Minecraft can be use across all subject areas.
Minecraft sometimes has a reputation for being about blowing things up and killing weird creatures, however, 'survival mode' is one small part of Minecraft, and destructive pointless play should be discouraged. Also, time management is something that should be discussed with students wishing to use Minecraft as a part of their education.
For parents who would like more information, a wealth of resources can be found on the Minecraft Education for Parents page.
Suggested links:
Minecraft Education Edition Download
Minecraft Climate Warriors (link to world download which can be imported into Minecraft Education Edition)
Climate Warriors has been designed to help engage the next generation in understanding the importance of preparedness against natural disasters due to the effects of climate change.
More links coming soon.
Minecraft lessons and TPS world download
Here are some video lessons from Mr Rowland with some tips and tricks that you might find useful, or learn something you didn't know. Examples are use Minecraft: Education Edition in Creative Mode.
Using and understanding coordinates (YouTube video)
The /FILL command (YouTube video)
Download info and examples for the FILL command
Coming very soon - the /CLONE command
Do you want to download a Minecraft world of your school? You can! Beginners can take a virtual tour around the grounds from Kissing Point Road down to Satterley Ave, and visit every classroom, storeroom, COLA - even the canteen and clothing pool! It's not quite finished yet, but will be updated very regularly. This is a scale model of one block = one meter.
Current version - TPS World 28-Jul (make sure you're signed in with your school account)
PLEASE READ - students MUST be signed in with their school Google Account. If you receive the message "You need access" do NOT click the request access button. This means you are not signed in with a Deparment of Education account. Please sign in with the correct account and try again.
This will open in Google Drive and you will see all the files included inside the 'mcworld' file. Ignore them, and click the 'DOWNLOAD' button in the top-right of your browser. Once it's download you can import into Minecraft.
Ipad users - there is a known issue where you get an error message when importing the world. Here is a 2 minute video showing a workaround.
Feel free to edit your own copy and add or change things:
What would you usually find in a classroom?
Does our school need a new swimming pool?
Where is the play equipment?
All that dirt! Add some colour to our gardens.
I'd love to see what you do - feel free to take some screenshots and share them.